Container for Storage
and Carriage of Bumpers

Container for Storage
and Carriage of Bumpers

Metallic container for storage and carriage of bumper components. The components to be packed will be placed on top of reinforced metallic rods. The locking of the components is made with the use of foldable metallic arms.

Container for Storage
and Carriage of Bumpers

Metallic container for storage and carriage of bumper components. The components to be packed will be placed on top of reinforced metallic rods. The locking of the components is made with the use of foldable metallic arms.


  • General dimensions: 2 x 2.4 x 1.5m. or according with client specifications
  • Specific components: Please refer to manufacturer for different configurations, dimensions and component quantities
  • Paint: Structure painted with epoxy paint as per client specifications
  • Welded build: Tube and sheet steel welding
  • Handling by lift-truck: Possible by positioning the forks of the lift-truck in 2 different positions
  • Stackable configuration


  • General dimensions: 2 x 2.4 x 1.5m. or according with client specifications
  • Specific components: Please refer to manufacturer for different configurations, dimensions and component quantities
  • Paint: Structure painted with epoxy paint as per client specifications
  • Welded build: Tube and sheet steel welding
  • Handling by lift-truck: Possible by positioning the forks of the lift-truck in 2 different positions
  • Stackable configuration