Bike & e-Bike

Bicycle & E-Bike Storage & Intralogistics Needs:​

From custom-built bicycles to mass-produced e-bikes, the journey from design to the end rider is filled with complexities. While the art of designing and building these two-wheelers has seen advancements, there is significant room for enhancing the intralogistics throughout the production chain.

In today's evolving bicycle and e-bike production scenario, manufacturers are confronted with challenges like: Coordinating the myriad processes from design conception to final assembly. Keeping pace with fast-evolving technological integrations and design innovations. Managing inventories of a diverse range of parts, from gears to batteries, each with specific storage needs.


Bike & e-Bike

Bicycle & E-Bike Storage & Intralogistics Needs:​

From custom-built bicycles to mass-produced e-bikes, the journey from design to the end rider is filled with complexities. While the art of designing and building these two-wheelers has seen advancements, there is significant room for enhancing the intralogistics throughout the production chain.

In today's evolving bicycle and e-bike production scenario, manufacturers are confronted with challenges like: Coordinating the myriad processes from design conception to final assembly. Keeping pace with fast-evolving technological integrations and design innovations. Managing inventories of a diverse range of parts, from gears to batteries, each with specific storage needs.


PIBRA, backed by its vast portfolio and seasoned expertise, stands out as the go-to partner for intralogistics in the bicycle and e-bike domain. Our suite of offerings spans from automated storage and retrieval systems (ASRS) suitable for varied parts, custom transport carts for delicate components, to advanced racking systems for finished products. The integration of these components is driven by operational demands and the specific nature and volume of bicycle items.​

Adaptable solutions for varied bike designs.​

Dedicated systems to store sensitive items like batteries or electronic components.

To preserve the quality and functionality of parts.

Swift access to parts ensures a seamless assembly line.​

Given the value and intricacy of certain components, specialized care is essential.

Accommodating different bicycle types, models, and accessory components.

To keep up with changing demands and ensure timely production.


PIBRA, backed by its vast portfolio and seasoned expertise, stands out as the go-to partner for intralogistics in the bicycle and e-bike domain. Our suite of offerings spans from automated storage and retrieval systems (ASRS) suitable for varied parts, custom transport carts for delicate components, to advanced racking systems for finished products. The integration of these components is driven by operational demands and the specific nature and volume of bicycle items.​

Adaptable solutions for varied bike designs.​

Dedicated systems to store sensitive items like batteries or electronic components.

To preserve the quality and functionality of parts.

Swift access to parts ensures a seamless assembly line.​

Given the value and intricacy of certain components, specialized care is essential.

Accommodating different bicycle types, models, and accessory components.

To keep up with changing demands and ensure timely production.

Choose PIBRA and set new benchmarks in efficiency, precision, and adaptability for your bicycle and e-bike storage and intralogistics needs.

Choose PIBRA and set new benchmarks in efficiency, precision, and adaptability for your bicycle and e-bike storage and intralogistics needs.